Drill Filter


  • Arm Bar
  • Back Shoulder Collapse
  • Bat Wrap
  • Chopping At The Ball
  • Diving In
  • Dropping Hands
  • Hip Slide
  • Lack of Extension
  • Long Swing
  • Lunging
  • No Advance
  • No Heel Plant
  • No Scap Load
  • Opening Lower Body Early
  • Overload
  • Pulling Front Shoulder
  • Pulling Head
  • Pushing Bat
  • Severe Uppercut
  • Squish the Bug
  • Stepping in Bucket
  • Weight Collapses Back

Game Result

  • Excessive Ground Balls
  • Excessive Pop Ups
  • Flares
  • Getting Jammed
  • Ground Balls Oppo
  • Hitting off End of Bat
  • Lack of Power
  • Rolling Over
  • Swinging and Missing
  • Timing Errors


  • Situational Hitting Errors
  • Too Aggressive
  • Too Passive


  • Not Picking Up Spin / Location
  • Trouble with Off Speed