Pitching / Throwing Drill Filter


  • Arm Slot Close to Head
  • Collapsing Lead Leg Upon Landing
  • Early External Rotation of Shoulder
  • Elbow Too High
  • Extreme Trunk Tilt
  • Flailing Arm Behind Back
  • Flying Open (Trunk Opens Too Early)
  • Getting Around Curveball
  • Getting Around The Ball
  • Head and Shoulder Lead The Body Forward
  • Hips Not Following Through
  • Lack of Trunk Rotation
  • Landing on Stiff Front Leg
  • Long Arming/Short Arming
  • Low Elbow (Hand in Cocked Position)
  • Not Finishing Changeup
  • Opening Lower Half Early
  • Opening Top Half Early
  • Over Rotating When Loading
  • Rushing Their Motion
  • Rushing Top Half
  • Short Arming Follow Through
  • Stride Length Long/Short
  • Striding Open/Closed
  • Wrist or Arm Hooking (Arm Curls)

Game Result

  • 1st Inning Struggles
  • Falling Behind Hitters
  • Getting "Rattled"
  • Getting Tired Early
  • Missing Arm Side
  • Missing Glove Side
  • Missing High
  • Missing Low
  • Too High a Pitch Count
  • Too Many Stolen Bases
  • Too Many Walks


  • Approaching the Pitching Mound
  • Arm Care
  • Covering Bases
  • Deception
  • Different Arm Action/Angles
  • Different Breaking Ball Grips
  • Different Change Up Grips
  • Different Fastball Grips
  • Front Side/Glove Action
  • Head Position Through Delivery
  • Holding Runners
  • Leg Lift
  • Pick Offs
  • Pre-Game Routine
  • Proper Arm Slot
  • Rhythm and Tempo
  • Riding Back Leg/Using the Ground
  • Setting Up Hitters/Pitch Selection
  • Slide Step
  • Upper Body Finish and Follow Through
  • Varying Looks
  • Varying Times
  • What Hitters Are Trying to Do